Monday, October 29, 2012

1st Post!

Finially! I have had this blog idea for forever and finially found time to make this oh-so-wonderful hurricane were having. Good news is no school! Anyways, about the blog. One day I was sitting in english when my teacher passed out three articles that we had to read and analyze. One article about body image and how girls are becoming more obssessed with how they look, one about sleep disorders in teens, and another about why teens withdraw from their parents durring these years. As I sat there reading the articles I realized half the information was actually wrong. Now don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it was wrong for everyone or that I am an expert because I'm not, I just realized that a lot of the "facts" in the articles were absurd and what the teachers and adults THINK not what the sudents and teens are actually feeling. So I thought why isn't anyone saying anything? The class erupted into discussion after reading the article and many had the same veiws I did saying these things weren't what was really going on and the teacher looked shocked to hear this. And so this blog idea was born. I was hoping to get a lot of people to read it and hopefully change the stereotypes of teens. We arn't these crazy, rude, obssesive kids many adults believe us to be. Well, not all are. It is a stereotype and stereotypes have to be based on something. So yes, there are those crazy, rude, mean teens...but we arn't all like that. In my blog I want people to see what really matters to us, what we are going to change as the next generation, and what we are seeing. Our eyes are open, ears are listening, and minds are questioning. People need to know this.

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